Adam Liaw’s Unauthorised Guide to Japanese Home Cooking

Have you ever tried Japanese food and loved it, only to realize you won’t order it in a long time because of the price? Don’t worry because cooking a Japanese meal isn’t as hard as it seems. Adam Liaw, an Australian who fell in love with Japanese cuisine, is going to be telling you the basic guidelines for cooking your Japanese meals at home.

Key takeaways:

  • If you’ve got any meat like pork, chicken, or fish, try making teriyaki. It’s not as popular in Japan as you think, but it’s very delicious. Most people in Japan make their teriyaki sauce instead of buying it. To make the sauce, add soy sauce, sake, mirin, and sugar to something that’s frying.
  • Japan cuisine isn’t as complicated as you might believe. They use fewer ingredients and spices and focus more on seasonings. The most common technique in preparing seafood or meat is shioyaki-seasoned with salt and then grilled.
  • When learning a different cuisine, try not to fall for the authenticity trap. Create the meal using ingredients available to you instead of using an element new to you. For example, Adam Liaw writes Japanese recipes adapted to suit the ingredients and tastes in Australia.

To read more tips on cooking Japanese meals, visit this link:

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